Hail Intelligence

Understand the past, present, and future of property-specific hail risk

Across the country, hail claims are increasing in both frequency and severity. Hail-related property losses result in over 500,000 home insurance claims each year and the industry surpassed $20 billion in losses. In an effort to combat this, current tools often rely on incomplete or inaccurate user-submitted information.

The enhanced CAPE® Hail Intelligence suite provides a 360-degree assessment of hail risk by combining forensic weather history from Canopy Weather, imagery-based roof age, and present imagery analytics to accurately determine future risk.

It’s Time to Get Granular on Hail

  1. 01 Harness a new, holistic view of hail risk with the industry’s first property-specific suite of hail ratings
  2. 02 Underwrite and price with greater confidence in hail-prone areas
  3. 03 Benchmark and right-size your regional exposure to hail
  4. 04 Predict future loss frequency and severity by understanding recent experience, roof age, and current property characteristics


Property-specific insights that leverage roof age support better decision-making in hail-prone states. Drive refined rate segmentation by identifying roofs with an increased likelihood of severe hail claims.

Get a handle on roof elements that result in higher replacement costs, such as increased complexity.

Avoid paying for another carrier’s claims by capturing roof condition issues, susceptibility to hail, and likelihood of recent hail damage at the point of underwriting.

A Deeper Look

Leverage CAPE’s holistic suite of hail risk ratings or loss-predictive attributes

CAPE Hail: Overall Risk Rating

An overall assessment of a property’s risk to hail by combining vulnerability and forensic weather analytics

CAPE Hail: Vulnerability Rating

A view of a property’s susceptibility to hail damage that considers factors like structure footprint, roof condition, material, and more

CAPE Hail: Experience Rating

The likelihood that a property has experienced recent, unseen hail damage to its roof

CAPE Hail: Severity Rating

The potential severity of a future claim based on property-level characteristics

Roof Age
Roof Covering

Carriers can now attain unprecedented segmentation in hail-prone geographies for better underwriting and pricing: 

Home 01

Hail Hazard:

High Risk

Hail Vulnerability:

Medium Risk

Key Factors:

Roof Complexity
Structure Footprint
Roof Material
Roof Age

Roof Complexity: Simple
Roof Condition: Good
Structure Footprint: 2,410 SF
Roof Material: Shingle
Roof Geometry: Gable

Prior Hail Experience:

1 Storm, <1.25″ Max Hail Size

Expected Loss Severity:

$1 – $4,999

Home 02

Hail Hazard:

High Risk

Hail Vulnerability:

Very High Risk

Key Factors:

Roof Complexity
Structure Footprint
Roof Material
Roof Age

Roof Complexity: Complex
Roof Condition: Fair
Structure Footprint: 4,230 SF
Roof Material: Shingle
Roof Geometry: Hip

Prior Hail Experience:

1 Storm, <1.25″ Max Hail Size

Expected Loss Severity:

$15,000 – $24,999