Primary Property Elements
Build your business on the most accurate foundational property data

State-of-the-art technology ↗, combined with novel data sources, provides a new level of data consistency, accuracy, and confidence.
Primary Property Elements use data fusion technology to correct outliers and improve the dependability of fundamental data, helping carriers create more accurate replacement cost estimates (RCEs) and better match rate to risk.
CAPE’s AI-backed, multimodal approach addresses a root cause of replacement cost inaccuracies—the underlying data fed into RCE tools.
Use Primary Property Elements to ensure the accuracy of your renewal book replacement cost estimates, new business underwriting, and rating attributes.

Errors in living area create the largest mismatch in Coverage A. These may result from incorrectly using below-grade areas, accessory structures, or errors in public record data.
Quality grade rating is subjective and subject to misinterpretation. A consistent objective approach leads to more accurate assessments.
Partial stories are often overlooked and are not reflected in public records leading to inaccurate replacement cost estimates.

Video: CAPE Living Area
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