Property Intelligence for Reinsurance

Evaluate cedent portfolios with confidence

Accurate and objective property attributes to validate and enhance cedent portfolios

The trusted geospatial analytics solution for the reinsurance industry.

CAPE® Property Intelligence is derived from the industry’s most accurate machine learning systems leveraging high-resolution geospatial imagery ↗.

We serve insights at scale, having analyzed over 20 million properties for reinsurance clients in the last year, for perils including wind, wildfire, and hail.

Use Cases

Analyze cedent portfolio risk composition relative to the industry for key risk characteristics that demonstrably drive loss ratio.

Validate critical secondary modifiers for cedent portfolios, allowing for objective exposure capture and more accurate technical price.

Assess data quality of cedant portfolios for additional understanding of uncertainty and comparison. Reduce reliance on cedant submissions and industry exposure estimates.

Utilize our wildfire vegetation coverage measurements to bolster CAT model quantifications of defensible space ↗ compliance.

Understand the underlying characteristics responsible for a given Roof Condition Rating level with more granular reason code models, such as tarp presence or material degradation.

CAPE provides
actionable insights