Homeowners Rating
CAPE® helps match rate to risk more accurately—for large nationals, regional carriers, and everyone in between.

Quantify property risk to inform pricing decisions.
When matching rate to risk, one important factor is accurately determining the roof’s age and condition. Rating is a powerful use of CAPE Property Intelligence with proven ROI.
CAPE delivers roof data and scoring that helps carriers and managing general agents determine the appropriate rate to charge for risk and coverage.
CAPE enables insurers to develop, file, and implement rating plans to price homes fairly and match rate to risk.
Rate Plans
Inform the carrier’s rating plans and statistical models, including improved rate segmentation for poor or severe risks or good and excellent risks.
Filing Support
Support rate filings, including exhibits and other justification required internally and by departments of insurance.
Premium Adequacy
Improve accuracy in living area estimates, making for more precise replacement costs, accurate Coverage A, and adequate premiums.
Competitive Pricing
Support decisioning for discounts for good or excellent roofs and surcharges for poor or severe roofs.

Learn more about how one homeowners carrier used CAPE to match rate to risk.
Proven Results
Clients have gained regulatory approval to use CAPE data in rating over 275 times in 38 states—and counting.
CAPE’s regulatory team supports clients through the ever-changing world of rate filings, AI, government policymaking, and more.
Clients agree that more accurate living area estimates support accurate ratings.
Rating Timeline
CAPE Property Intelligence supports smarter rating decisions over time.
Replace often inaccurate customer or agent-provided roof age with CAPE’s imagery-based roof age. Use this updated rating variable to grow in a few target states and grow sustainably without deteriorating loss ratio in a hard market.
Next Month
Develop a custom roof pricing strategy incorporating CAPE roof condition models, roof complexity, tree overhang, etc. Develop actuarial memos backed by CAPE data. File rate plans with confidence. Work with CAPE’s regulatory experts to gain state-by-state approvals.
Next Quarter
Some carriers are beta-testing new CAPE insights to leapfrog their competitors with proprietary roof pricing strategies, putting together their own suite of “reason code” components of roof condition models that best match their own historical loss experience.
Match rate to risk using CAPE.
CAPE delivers data points and scoring that improve risk assessment, informing rating plans and pricing models. CAPE empowers carriers to match rate to risk and charge appropriate premium with greater transparency.