Use Cases
Small commercial, middle-market, and habitational property underwriters all need better COPE insights that are efficiently delivered into their workflows

Commercial property underwriting has undervalued the cost of property replacement due to increasing natural disasters, a historic increase in construction material costs, and inflation. Gaining an efficient awareness of COPE factors upfront helps underwriters improve valuation estimates, leading to more accurate risk pricing.
Commercial Use Cases
Small commercial insurance is increasingly moving to real-time quote-and-bind. CAPE® Commercial Property Intelligence provides more complete COPE (Construction, Occupancy, Protection, Exposure) assessments via lightning-fast APIs, in order to support the efficiency and speed needed for straight-through processing.
- Provide accurate underwriting data for better valuation
- Select better risks that align with eligibility criteria
- Reduce submission overload
Habitational policies are complex with relatively small premiums for the effort needed to underwrite them. CAPE’s Commercial Property Intelligence improves COPE (Construction, Occupancy, Protection, Exposure) assessments with less time and effort.
The CAPE commercial web application provides a platform for underwriters to identify the structures that belong to a policy, assess roof condition, and gather relevant COPE data. When ready, a lightning-fast API provides a path to more dramatic cost-savings and automation.
- Provide accurate underwriting data for better valuation
- Save time in gaining an understanding of the property
- Reduce submission overload
Mid-market properties have diverse underwriting needs. CAPE Commercial Property Intelligence can support the needs of mid-market underwriters to understand some of the most common property risks:
- Roof cover systems: one of the most expensive and damage-prone features of a building
- Roof-mounted HVAC: easily overlooked, these units can be damaged easily and are expensive to replace
- Outdoor inventory: excessive stock stored outdoors can be vulnerable and may not be accounted for without detection. Lot debris correlates to fire and vandalism claims.
- Other rooftop risks: using high-resolution imagery, identify roof-mounted solar panels and skylights that can be easily damaged and can lead to further building and property damage
- Parking lots and lighting: poor pavement conditions and inadequate lighting can be risks for slip and fall and crime