AI-powered property
intelligence for risk

Personal lines underwriters and actuaries use CAPE® to streamline underwriting and match rate and coverage to risk.

Commercial insurers use CAPE to better assess and price risk.

Home equity lenders, loan traders, and real estate investors use CAPE to refine valuations, analyze bulk transactions, and monitor portfolio risk.
CAPE has pioneered the creation of new, predictive property insights

Aggregate Statistics Created Using Data Produced from Vexcel, EagleView, Nearmap, and Other Imagery Providers

CAPE fuses human and machine intelligence to bring certainty to an uncertain world
A deep understanding of our clients’ businesses and industries
Pioneering geospatial imagery analytics and computer vision technology
Cutting-edge machine intelligence that fuses and analyzes new property and weather-related data sources
Speed & Scale
Robust data infrastructure capable of supporting mission-critical decision making
See how CAPE property intelligence impacts our clients
How CAPE Delivers Value
Client Stories